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James H. Graves
Managing Director
Financial Services, Consumer Products

Jim Graves worked in the securities industry for more than two decades, primarily in management positions and as an investment banker. From 1980 to 1991 he was employed at Dean Witter Reynolds where he started the firm’s energy group. He built the Southwest region into Dean Witter’s largest regional unit and became the first head of the firms’ industry groups. He served on both the Senior Management Committee and Commitment Committee and was the youngest regional manager in the firm’s history.

From 1991 to 2000, he was a partner at J.C. Bradford culminating as COO and head of Equity Capital Markets. While co-head of Investment Banking, revenues grew tenfold and market penetration doubled. As head of Equity Capital Markets, he completely reoriented the firm’s strategy, creating a research based trading and banking business that was the leading firm in the South.

In his role as Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Graves was responsible for implementing firm strategy at the operating level. He was also asked to resolve the firms’ need for capital and later he managed the sale of the firm in March of 2000 to Paine Webber while continuing his operating responsibilities.

In 2002, Mr. Graves joined Detwiler, Mitchell & Co. (DMCD) a Boston based securities firm as COO, Vice Chairman after acquiring a controlling shareholder interest. He was responsible for developing the long-term strategy of the Firm including management development. He successfully guided the firm through a complex change in both management and operating philosophy. In 2006, he sold the majority of his ownership interest to key employees. He continues as a non-director member of the Audit Committee.

In 2005 Mr. Graves became a co-founder of BankCap Partners, LP a Dallas based private equity fund. The fund organized de novo banks including the largest bank ever started in Us history, Atlantic Capital Bank. He served on the board of Tristate Capital Holdings, a Pittsburgh based Commercial bank.

In 2008 Mr. Graves became Chairman of the Board of Medaxion, Inc., a healthcare Technology start-up headquartered in Nashville, Tn. Medaxion is the leading provider of technology tools for anesthesia practices.

Prior to Dean Witter Mr. Graves was employed by Interfirst in Dallas. He began his career working for Citibank in New York and later opened their third Loan Production Office in Houston.

Mr. Graves graduated from Trinity College in Hartford where he majored in Economics, lettered in Varsity Football and was president of his class. He is a member of Pi Gamma Mu economics honor society and was appointed an Illinois Scholar. He sits on the boards of First Cash Financial Services (FCFS), Hallmark Financial Services (HALL), Atlantic Capital Bancshares (ACBI), BankCap Partners, and Medaxion, Inc. He is also treasurer and a board member of the Incarnation Foundation and Assistant Treasurer of the Church of the Incarnation.

Erwin, Graves & Associates

2021 McKinney Ave. Suite 800

Dallas, TX 75201

Phone: 1-214-673-7552

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